專業塗氟 Professional Dental Flouridation |
塗氟一定需要吸唾機!許多小學,幼稚園會請牙醫師到場為小朋友塗氟。但是因為沒有吸唾設備,往往小朋友會不小心將氟誤吞!這是非常危險的行為!一般成人牙膏含氟量1450ppm. 牙醫專業塗氟的劑量卻高達2萬ppm上下,是成人牙膏10-15倍的含量,所以一定要在有吸唾設備的情況下,才可以安全塗氟。在塗氟過程中,吸唾機可以將多餘的氟與口水吸走,避免小朋友誤食。
You must have a suction available for very young kids during dental flouridation, in order to prevent accidental swallowing of the chemical. Suction is used for sucking any excess flouride in little children, since they do not spit properly and efficiently at young age, usually under 4. Normal toothpastes contain around 1450ppm flouride, whereas the professional ones contain 10-15 times that amount.
為什麼要塗氟? Why Flouridation? |
Water in Taiwan does not contain Flourde. When you see people from USA, Canada, or our neibour Hong Kong, they have water flouridation. The result is noticable reduction of dental cavities. Professional dental flouridation is an easy and convenient way to protect your child from cavities living in Taiwan.
作用機制 Mechanism |
牙齒一般在口腔內PH值低於5.5就處於可發生蛀牙風險,塗過氟的牙齒,氟跟牙齒裡的鈣會結合,永久改變齒質結構,將抵抗蛀牙能力增加。原本可發生蛀牙風險的PH 5.5會降至PH 4.5。簡單來說,除非口腔PH值長時間低於4.5,發生蛀牙的風險不高。
Calcium in the tooth form chemical bonds with added flouride, called calcium-flouride, which is more resistant to acid environment.
專業建議 Professional suggestion |
Yes, dentists recommend dental flouridation, especially when you living in Taiwan, where water flouridation is not available. Not only children need it, we also recommend adults to continue dental flouridation from your dentists.
施作時間 1-4 分鐘 Duration 1-4 min |